i used a public bathroom today... the bathroom at the movie theater... celebration cinema...woodland... to be exact.
and it brought me to this question.
why...oh why... does every public toilet either have a hair or pee on it... sometimes worse... but... a lady shouldn't speak of such things... wait... does a lady talk about toilets?... prolly not... ok there are worse things... but... honestly...WHY? why? WHY?
obviously you are reading this cuz you are looking at these words...since you have read this you are thinking... yes... its true... there is always pee or a hair on every single public porcelain poop hole....and now...you will be very aware of it.
are you thinking well i use that paper to put on the toilet and lets be honest i am only speaking to women here... men do not put that paper on there... if you do... you are a lady... or women... hover over the top (btw hovers...you are the pee sprinklers...well the majority of the pee sprinklers).... doesn't it just bug you a lil bit that under the paper is pee and prolly one hair?
and... lets say... miracle of all miracles you have a pristine toilet....i bet its either freezer burn your bottom cold... or... unpleasantly warmed by the cellulite covered squashy behind of another.
well... its not like i'm not gonna go to the bathroom... don't be nuts....
i'm just sayin....yikes.... yup... yikes....and... another WHY?????!!??
btw i saw due date....incase you cared....my popcorn was super duper buttery... and me and my sis sat in the back corner... and then a bunch of asians sat in front of us... so it was very asian-y in that corner... but... i will say this for my people... we are not obnoxious movie goers...and... we do NOT clap after movies(my least favorite things rite after highfives and bumps)
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