um... so i saw a commercial for walmart... saying that they will match the sale prices of other stores...
and... uh... why wouldn't you just go to the other store?
i guess i always see/hear this deal on commercials... from several different stores....but... honestly..its ridiculous... i mean...unless you are super loyal to walmart but still want things the cheapest they come... but who the hell is loyal to only walmart...
when you have so many choices all within five would you have to like bring proof that it was that certain price... and wouldn't you have to go to like the help desk... or at the very least wait for the cash register person to call in a manager to verify the price...just sounds like a hassle to me....and really... it all just sounds stupid.
like... i dont think it is even a lil bit sane to go from store to store to make sure you save an extra $0.17.
for reals... go online look around a bit... and go to the closest cheapest store. dont get me wrong my parents are dutch... i do get that thrill of saving money...but come'on...
plus the real fact of the matter is walmart smells like pee...pee and poor people.
fundraiser pizza subs= delicious indigestion.
goodbye kitty
so i dont usually watch the show hoarders... because its revolting... and i just cannot feel sympathy for the people featured on the show...
oh i should prolly tell you what the show is... just in case you don't know the show...
its on a& basically tells the story of people who hoard crap. and it has professional cleaners and organizers help them back to civilization...its a struggle....and it usually ends with relapse into filth or divorce.
ok... so anyways....
there was an old lady...(prolly the age of your grandmother... she looked like...89...but is prolly 75....she was plump and...frumpy....her name is shirley...duh...
and......................................she had cats.
ok... this is an understatement... they had to send in like animal search and rescue...
she had over 75 cats in her house... more than 30 of them were dead... some were just bones. she actually claims that she feeds and takes care of 25 stray cats....because no one else will... in reality:
cats have taken over her home... they live inside of mattresses and other furniture... the entire house is covered in feces and hair... there are dead cats all over the place... everything is covered in grime.... everything is broken and filthy...covered in rotting food... and cats, which are disgusting anyways...
10 of her cats had to immediately be put to sleep because they had a incurable respiratory disease...all of the alive cats were immediately removed by authorities... she was gonna maybe face animal cruelty charges... i couldn't watch the rest to find out if she did...
i saw this one episode where this young guy... like in his 20s said he couldn't throw away his dog's shed hair because he thinks it will speed up his dogs life...and make it die faster...
seriously there are some crazy people out there... and some collect dead animals.
yuck... thinking about this makes me wanna clean... so i am gonna go give the girls a bath and clean the apt.
zoe had a marker in her room this morning... nuff said.
oh i should prolly tell you what the show is... just in case you don't know the show...
its on a& basically tells the story of people who hoard crap. and it has professional cleaners and organizers help them back to civilization...its a struggle....and it usually ends with relapse into filth or divorce.
ok... so anyways....
there was an old lady...(prolly the age of your grandmother... she looked like...89...but is prolly 75....she was plump and...frumpy....her name is shirley...duh...
and......................................she had cats.
ok... this is an understatement... they had to send in like animal search and rescue...
she had over 75 cats in her house... more than 30 of them were dead... some were just bones. she actually claims that she feeds and takes care of 25 stray cats....because no one else will... in reality:
cats have taken over her home... they live inside of mattresses and other furniture... the entire house is covered in feces and hair... there are dead cats all over the place... everything is covered in grime.... everything is broken and filthy...covered in rotting food... and cats, which are disgusting anyways...
10 of her cats had to immediately be put to sleep because they had a incurable respiratory disease...all of the alive cats were immediately removed by authorities... she was gonna maybe face animal cruelty charges... i couldn't watch the rest to find out if she did...
i saw this one episode where this young guy... like in his 20s said he couldn't throw away his dog's shed hair because he thinks it will speed up his dogs life...and make it die faster...
seriously there are some crazy people out there... and some collect dead animals.
yuck... thinking about this makes me wanna clean... so i am gonna go give the girls a bath and clean the apt.
zoe had a marker in her room this morning... nuff said.
stick it in your mouth...
ok... i do not believe that i have delved into this subject yet... but if i have... disregard it as nite grumblings.
i cannot stand women smoking... i think it is extremely revolting.
it is a complete sexist double standard... but i really dont mind men doing it... as long as the smoke isn't directly in my face... i could care less....
***in saying this i really hate when my husband smokes or chews (which is another subject all together) but i dont like my possessions smelling like smoke...including my husband and my bed....its not like i'm gonna stop him... seeing as i really dont think its a spouses place to boss the other spouse around... but... i frown upon it in general.
ok... i got off track....
i think it is completely disgusting for ladies to smoke. i think its gross....i dunno when i started to really think this...i used to smoke from time to time....i dunno but my opinions on ladies is strengthening since i have birthed two ladies out my woman area. i think ladies should be ladies... i love telling zoe to be a lady...
these are characteristics i believe ladies should possess:
1. charm/grace in public.
2. smell nice.
3. dont be a horrible nag
4. class.
5. be a good companion.
6. listen.
7. be polite.
i actually have more... but i will give just those to start with. no need to make it too complicated.
and now... cuz i have an hour before my the car/train rug i am bidding on ebay for is over i will go more into detail....and cuz... its my blog... i can do what i want...
(1) charm/grace: i cannot stand when women get all worked up in public... calm yourself down for crying out loud....ok... dont get me wrong... i dont mind a lil sass when the situation calls for it....but sass isn't in broad daylight in a store...or restaurant...sass is when you are with friends joking around and being an awesome broad.....dont be a complete bitch aka ghetto shrew...
(2) smell nice: uh......(how hard is it to smell nice?) **note smell nice does not mean smelling like potpourri or old lady perfume...lots of times women think they smell nice... but... ew...i think a light scent either fruity, citrusy...something clean... is acceptable. old ladies and fattys clean out your crevices...
(3) dont nag: seriously...have you ever heard a partner who doesn't want to be with their significant other that doesn't mention how much they nag...think about it.... if you nag constantly you will never ever get what you want... unless you want to be alone....ask nicely...if things are not happening... ask again. do not whine... do not be insufferable... just kindly ask.
(4) class: if you dont know what this is... you are prolly a dirty pirate hooker...wear panties if you are wearing something short or sheer...dont sleep with randoms (collections of randoms=collections of rashes/ointments) and for heavens sake... do not flirt incessantly with anyone....especially someone else's special person...i am a huge fan of flirting... but... dont be a dick tease... its ridiculous... no one except people with stds want someone that easy.
(5) be a good companion: be someone that people want around... able to go to the bathroom alone...dont be a good listener...and a good friend
(6) listen: seriously if you listen and pay attention you will find out a lot more than when you are a complete gossip whore...if you actually contemplate what the other person is saying to will know the right response and you will also be a better person, more knowledgeable...and no one likes an attention whore.
(7) be polite: please, thank you, excuse me,...invaluable my friend....they will help you get whatever you need.
ok... and if you are all these things... you wont smoke because its not ladylike. i do not think ladies look cute or sexy smoking... and... if you dont look either... than why in the world would you do it? yeah yeah the buzz... the nicotine... eh... if you needed it then everyone would do it because its healthy....
the double standard of it all...i like men with a lil grit...out of that whole list... i really just want my men to smell nice... lol... i would forgive most of the other faults...granted... i like a man to be a gentleman... but...i think men should be men... ladies should be ladies... and yes... i do include people who like the same sex...if you like ladies... don't you want a lady who is a lady...and like men because they are men....
i may be taking women backwards with my opinions but i dont care...i am not saying women and men aren't equally human beings... i am just saying i like women to be ladies...and men to be...the people who have penis's....
honestly who knows if i even know anything about anything... but...following my standards won't make you suck....
edamame yum.
i cannot stand women smoking... i think it is extremely revolting.
it is a complete sexist double standard... but i really dont mind men doing it... as long as the smoke isn't directly in my face... i could care less....
***in saying this i really hate when my husband smokes or chews (which is another subject all together) but i dont like my possessions smelling like smoke...including my husband and my bed....its not like i'm gonna stop him... seeing as i really dont think its a spouses place to boss the other spouse around... but... i frown upon it in general.
ok... i got off track....
i think it is completely disgusting for ladies to smoke. i think its gross....i dunno when i started to really think this...i used to smoke from time to time....i dunno but my opinions on ladies is strengthening since i have birthed two ladies out my woman area. i think ladies should be ladies... i love telling zoe to be a lady...
these are characteristics i believe ladies should possess:
1. charm/grace in public.
2. smell nice.
3. dont be a horrible nag
4. class.
5. be a good companion.
6. listen.
7. be polite.
i actually have more... but i will give just those to start with. no need to make it too complicated.
and now... cuz i have an hour before my the car/train rug i am bidding on ebay for is over i will go more into detail....and cuz... its my blog... i can do what i want...
(1) charm/grace: i cannot stand when women get all worked up in public... calm yourself down for crying out loud....ok... dont get me wrong... i dont mind a lil sass when the situation calls for it....but sass isn't in broad daylight in a store...or restaurant...sass is when you are with friends joking around and being an awesome broad.....dont be a complete bitch aka ghetto shrew...
(2) smell nice: uh......(how hard is it to smell nice?) **note smell nice does not mean smelling like potpourri or old lady perfume...lots of times women think they smell nice... but... ew...i think a light scent either fruity, citrusy...something clean... is acceptable. old ladies and fattys clean out your crevices...
(3) dont nag: seriously...have you ever heard a partner who doesn't want to be with their significant other that doesn't mention how much they nag...think about it.... if you nag constantly you will never ever get what you want... unless you want to be alone....ask nicely...if things are not happening... ask again. do not whine... do not be insufferable... just kindly ask.
(4) class: if you dont know what this is... you are prolly a dirty pirate hooker...wear panties if you are wearing something short or sheer...dont sleep with randoms (collections of randoms=collections of rashes/ointments) and for heavens sake... do not flirt incessantly with anyone....especially someone else's special person...i am a huge fan of flirting... but... dont be a dick tease... its ridiculous... no one except people with stds want someone that easy.
(5) be a good companion: be someone that people want around... able to go to the bathroom alone...dont be a good listener...and a good friend
(6) listen: seriously if you listen and pay attention you will find out a lot more than when you are a complete gossip whore...if you actually contemplate what the other person is saying to will know the right response and you will also be a better person, more knowledgeable...and no one likes an attention whore.
(7) be polite: please, thank you, excuse me,...invaluable my friend....they will help you get whatever you need.
ok... and if you are all these things... you wont smoke because its not ladylike. i do not think ladies look cute or sexy smoking... and... if you dont look either... than why in the world would you do it? yeah yeah the buzz... the nicotine... eh... if you needed it then everyone would do it because its healthy....
the double standard of it all...i like men with a lil grit...out of that whole list... i really just want my men to smell nice... lol... i would forgive most of the other faults...granted... i like a man to be a gentleman... but...i think men should be men... ladies should be ladies... and yes... i do include people who like the same sex...if you like ladies... don't you want a lady who is a lady...and like men because they are men....
i may be taking women backwards with my opinions but i dont care...i am not saying women and men aren't equally human beings... i am just saying i like women to be ladies...and men to be...the people who have penis's....
honestly who knows if i even know anything about anything... but...following my standards won't make you suck....
edamame yum.
sappy mama (loving the girls since they are napping)
if i didn't have my girls....
wear earrings.
have a clean apt.
have tons of shoes and clothes.
be skinny.
have perky boobies.
have money.
eat at nice restaurants.
go see movies.
have time for reading.
have more time for crafts.
be able to leave projects out.
have a small purse.
have a job.
bibs, wipes, plastic silverwear, diapers, toys in my purse and car.
cheerios and goldfish mashed up all over my car seats and car rugs.
kids furniture and toys everywhere.
kids books half eaten and ripped on every shelf.
circles under my eyes.
mainly tho....
i would have something missing
i would not have the meaning to my life.
wear earrings.
have a clean apt.
have tons of shoes and clothes.
be skinny.
have perky boobies.
have money.
eat at nice restaurants.
go see movies.
have time for reading.
have more time for crafts.
be able to leave projects out.
have a small purse.
have a job.
bibs, wipes, plastic silverwear, diapers, toys in my purse and car.
cheerios and goldfish mashed up all over my car seats and car rugs.
kids furniture and toys everywhere.
kids books half eaten and ripped on every shelf.
circles under my eyes.
mainly tho....
i would have something missing
i would not have the meaning to my life.
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