
fat tits

um... i had a major lightbulb over the head moment.

i think that if i didn't have kids...i would be fatter than i am now.
i realise that i have a squishyness about my tummy that wouldn't be there... but... i think i would weight more lbs.

cuz if i didn't have kids... i would just leave the apt whenever and get delicious food... i would make delicious things constantly and eat them all... i would be a big fatty fat tits...and you would not be my friend... and if you were friends with me... i would be your "fat friend"

i am trying to not eat after 7 and also trying not to eat bad for you stuff all the time....so far i have done that for a total of zero days....self control is not strong with me...

and now that i think about it... i dont understand why everyone who doesn't have kids and like... responsibilities... isn't whale sized.
like whale sized without any apologizing or rationalizing... cuz like... it should just be normal...
not that i think everyone should be fat... cuz thats gross... but... i just feel like... i am fat person who is just growing into her body...dont worry i wont make you look at my squish or jump around in front of you... i have some dignity....somewhere...maybe i ate it.

pretzels... is that even english?


for fathers day i think we got paul clark a card that had two bees on it that said "boo" and in the inside it said something about boobies.... i'm sure one of the girls ate the card or something.

do you believe in ghosts?
i do not.  well i say that i do not because if i said i did then i would be constantly freaked out about ghosts.
i super hate scary movies because it makes stuff like ghosts seem more realistic and then it makes my mind think that maybe i believe in them... but... i do not... i dont think...
yeah... i dont. 
i am one of those jumpy people.  like i jump at loud noises... my mind wanders quite frequently and can be startled at any moment.  i feel like i am rational enough to tone down my silly girlie-ness well... as much as i can... but... sometimes...
i have very realistic dreams ever since i was a kid...i have realistic dreams and not only are they realistic but i can remember what happened in most of them... and like details and stuff.
i think my scariest dreams are where people have those like black zombie eyes... like with no white in them...but not like random strangers or celebrities but people that i know that have died.
its shit like that...ugh... freaks me right the hell out.... and maybe makes me get a teeny tiny bit freaked out about ghosts.
i had a dream like that last nite.... creeeeeepy.

i wish all my dreams were like the dream i had where i had sex with chef ramsey from hells kitchen... or with the weasley twins... or even like the one where i gave birth to zoe and a suckling pig and she rode the pig around but it was her brother... but he was a pig.

ok. i'm gonna go watch a lot of horrible tv now.
i wish you could buy cable just the channels you want...i would pick:
hbo, bravo, usa, food, hist, hgtv, lifetime, comedy central, and cartoon network.

mr goodbar is a poor mans toblerone.


eating cheeseburgers with chopsticks

**to protect the people in this blog i have very cleverly changed their names.

this is prolly gonna be the longest blog i have written...just an fyi.

ok...so to begin... i have to go back... maybe i should quentin tarantino it....
crian blark wrote a comment on ceki's facebook status it said:
"Wow!!!! White Trash???? Seriously??? So according to your comment anyone that puts their kids in jeans, or jean diapers is white trash???? I mean seriously is this like the comment that you made to my wife, that if we aren't paying you, that you are not coming to our wedding?? Seems to me you are a highly racist person against the race that created what you have now! Your comments are disgusting to me, a true american would not bash this country or the founders of this country the way that you do, if your so miserable here, then go home!!! QUIT talking smack about our wonderful, free country like you have been....... Obviously you have lost your marbles!!!! !! !!! !!! "

ok... now to the beginning.

caul plark and ceki blark had offered to do the wedding pictures for cmanda alark and crian blark.....
they were given the price and what it included.  everyone agreed.  only a little more was added to the cost for driving and hotel stay(6 hr drive)...to make a grand total of $700. this correspondence began in january 2010.  to quote cmanda when she got the total.. "that sounds about right".
in march after not hearing anything or details ceki blark wrote cmanda to just confirm a timeline, and other details.  cmanda wrote that crian had lost his job, and that they were trying to budget and would get back to caul and ceki about if they could still do it but also added that they really wanted to still have them do the photos.

caul and ceki agreed with eachother that they would be willing to do the photos for $400 and told crian and cmanda.  they seemed really grateful and pretty sure that they still wanted to use them.  they thanked them for being patient and for working with them.

april, may...and then june...
the wedding is in the end of july so ceki and caul really needed some confirmation...also...it had been nearly three months with no response... so... yeah.
ceki very carefully worded this email(june 4):
hey cmanda! caul wanted me to ask you if you still need a photographer? we figured if you didn't need us to we would prolly not be able to go. caul is running out of days off! but if you need us to we can figure things out....we just need to know soonish :)
 and got this response from cmanda:
"Hey ceki, we hope you can still make it but at this point we are just going to have family take pictures for us. We just do not have the ability to come up with that much money at this time.
Thanks,crian & cmanda"
having thought that this situation was finished and no big deal all around ceki and caul went on...to be completely honest with you they didn't really feel like doing the pictures anyways... but really wanted to help family out if they needed it.
soooo....then...one evening while watching television ceki saw an ad for huggies denim diapers.

and from her phone posted the facebook status:

"uh...if u want your baby to be doublely white trash...have them just wear huggies jean diapers...nothing is classier than your kid just wearing its undergarmet it poops in without clothes covering it in public...than having the undergarment look like daisy dukes....neat."

so... yeah... that was that... a few people "liked" the status... some commented agreements...some even added funny stories.... then crian blark added a comment of his own:

"Wow!!!! White Trash???? Seriously??? So according to your comment anyone that puts their kids in jeans, or jean diapers is white trash???? I mean seriously is this like the comment that you made to my wife, that if we aren't paying you, that you are not coming to our wedding?? Seems to me you are a highly racist person against the race that created what you have now! Your comments are disgusting to me, a true american would not bash this country or the founders of this country the way that you do, if your so miserable here, then go home!!! QUIT talking smack about our wonderful, free country like you have been....... Obviously you have lost your marbles!!!! !! !!! !!! " 

so... yes... wow indeed.

but to add the icing to the red white and blue cake...crian also put a status of his own:

"We have an idiot in our mist (yes this spelling error was how he had typed it)....then added ceki's status

he and his wife cmanda also both de-friended ceki.

ceki woke up to a few different texts and emails:

one from a beautiful and smart relative... we will call her hicole..."dude caul's cousin crian just went ape shit on your post, apparently his kid wears denim huggies"

and then amongst ceki's emails was that wonderful lil nugget of a comment from crian.

um... ceki is a girl... and an emotional mom-type girl... so.. yeah... she teared up immediately... and could not stop tearing up or outright crying when she thought about it or read it... or talked about it....completely lame... and really wished that she could stop....cuz frankly this crian character was a jerk with a capital d.

 so after talking with wise people and venting to saints....

ceki wrote cmanda this facebook message:

i dont know if you thought i meant we wanted money or we couldn't come to your wedding??? because this is the original email i sent you:
"hey cmanda!caul wanted me to ask you if you still need a photographer? we figured if you didn't need us to we would prolly not be able to go. paul is running out of days off! but if you need us to we can figure things out....we just need to know soonish :)
thanks! "caul is running out of days off because of all the days he had to take off for his mothers funeral and our friend had a horrible accident in arizona...and his vacation days are also his sick days... so honestly he is running out of days off, he has to find a way to trade shifts to just go to a baseball game with my dad. you hadn't gotten back to us so we just needed to know if you needed us so he could trade shifts and work out the schedule.... he is the general manager so no one else can all the way do his job...so it takes a little work...plus we needed to know if we needed to get a babysitter and stuff for our girls.
so, sorry for the confusion....but we just really wanted to know if you still needed us....because if you did we would have worked it out money or not. " 

 ceki has not recieved any response from said email... and doesn't expect one unless shit starts freezing in the bowels of hell... or pigs start riding in airplanes.

now... with the dilemma of holding back the scathing email... setting crian in his place... and blasting his patriotic balls outta the water................. that was ceki's struggle...much consideration... and by this i mean...days and days of obsession and not the stinky calvin klein fragrance(name not changed) 

ceki has decided to not sent crian a letter...because any act of trying to explain things to an irrational person would be in vain and fuel crian into another fit of self-righteousness that a person of that kind craves and thrives on.  so i have decided to write this blog for ceki so that she can feel some resolution and may be able to say her piece without having to deal with crian...the hillbilly asshole of the century.

but...ceki did write this letter...that was never sent to crian... but... is what would have been sent if something was to be sent:

to crian,

"Wow!!!! White Trash???? Seriously??? *So according to your comment anyone that puts their kids in jeans, or jean diapers is white trash????** I mean seriously is this like the comment that you made to my wife, that if we aren't paying you, that you are not coming to our wedding??*** Seems to me you are a highly racist person against the race that created what you have now!****Your comments are disgusting to me, a true american would not bash this country or the founders of this country the way that you do, *****if your so miserable here, ******then go home!!! QUIT talking smack about our wonderful, *******free country like you have been.......Obviously you have lost your marbles!!!! !! !!! !!! "

*no...it was my opinion that the denim diapers were trashy...clearly a silly opinion that was made lightly, i understand if a person doesn't know me that it could be mis-interpreted...i only allow friends to view my facebook page for that reason, because the friends and family that i keep know my sense of humor.  people can completely disagree with me...it wasnt an attack against anyone...it was an OPINION.

**i never made a comment to your wife about money other than when we were talking about how much we charge.
i sent this message:
"hey cmanda!caul wanted me to ask you if you still need a photographer? we figured if you didn't need us to we would prolly not be able to go. paul is running out of days off! but if you need us to we can figure things out....we just need to know soonish :)
thanks! "
and the reason i sent it was because we hadn't heard from you guys and we wanted to be able to plan in case u needed us (babysitters, trading shifts, etc)....i maybe should have written more, but i didn't think i needed to?  which was very naive on my part...if you needed us and didn't have the money we would have worked it out....we enjoy doing photography for people and do not charge professional prices.  it is a lot of work but a sidejob we both enjoy.  we did *insert amazing beautiful people's name here* pictures and we had a lot of fun.

***my maiden name is berkhof. my parents are white....my husband is white...all of my family is white except my sister who is also adopted....i have friends of every color and religion, i have straight and gay friends... i have friends in a very diverse array of jobs...including people who are on welfare, unemployed, and people who own multi-million dollar companies....i am and always will be thankful for living in this great country. i vote, i pay taxes, and i pray for our politicians no matter what party they are a part of....i volunteer and practice doing good deeds for friends and strangers...i do not need to explain any of this to you, i do not even think i need to explain this to anyone.  but since you questioned my morals i will.

****i haven't bashed this country... i just said my opinion about a certain kind of diapers for crying out loud.  i am not even part of any facebook groups that have to do with politics except for supporting the right to bear arms... because my husband and many other loved ones have chosen to rightfully protect us.

*****i am not miserable here.  i never said i was...and never have alluded to the fact that i was.

******then go home....... that is by far the most racist thing i have ever been told.  in my WHOLE LIFE AS AN AMERICAN.  i have never had anyone say something as derogatory to me....it was a horrible thing for you to say and even if i wasn't an american citizen... this is a rude and unamerican thing to say to anyone.  america was founded on the back of immigrants.  i call america home....and without a trace of an accent, not that it would matter.

*******i enjoy being a part of america where freedom of speech is something that we all appreciate and enjoy as a right.  just as you have a right to openly disagree with me.  you have a right to your opinion of me and you certainly have a right to hate me and everything that i say and do.

HOWEVER: you do not have a right to slander me.  you DID have a right to put your opinion on my facebook page, but it was vicious, incredibly false, rude, and hateful....you called me an idiot on your fb which is just plain ridiculous...you attacked me...there is no other way to describe it.  you attacked me, without knowing me... you chose to vent and spew hate and unfair assumptions on  my silly facebook status without even contacting me or asking me to remove it in a private manner.  which i would gladly have done.  i would have gone out of my way to apologize to you and cmanda, i have removed it promptly and made a status apologizing.
i did not deserve to be treated that way....no one does.
i am sorry i offended you.  i really am....no buts or anything.  i (and most people) can not be viciously  attacked without sticking up for myself.

sincerely, ceki blark 

 so... yeah... that is bout the gist of things...

ceki has felt overwhelmed with support and love since said incident... people de-friending crian...boycotting his wedding... and lots of private name calling....so yeah... 

i now wash my hands of this...(and no not in the blood of america's founders...and dried on the constitution)


i give anyone permission to attack me like crian if i have done the following things:

1. pooped on the american flag

2. kicked his wife in the badger

3. thrown a tampon at his kids

4. deserve it.

 **note: this email was written in my "home's" language so that only some people can read its contents.